
A day in the life of a Fort Worth missionary. . . as posted by his parents

Monday, October 1, 2012

Just What I Need...

Dear Mom and Dad, family and friends,
Thank you for always writing to me.  There are some missionaries that are out here that don't have people to write or their parents are not members, so it is hard for those parents to know what to say. It seems that y'all always know what to say in your letters that helps me to get my week started off right. 
This past week was kind of difficult.  We have stopped teaching in a couple ghetto areas. Yeah, we can teach a lot of lessons but they do not lead to baptism because of availability to get to church and keeping commitments. We did not rule out any investigators, but we are getting ready to receive the blessings from fasting about where we need to be at certain times of the day to find the elect. 
I love being able to write every week because it allows me to get a lot out and also have spiritual experiences with my letters home and also to President Sagers. I am still learning a lot from other missionaries. One is a convert who's parents are not members. I look up to him a lot and have a lot of respect for him. Also,  there is something I can learn from companions  I serve with.   I am learning to really think about others and to just stop complaining about things that do not matter. 
The Temple 2nd ward is doing great.   There was a change in the bishopric yesterday and that is always exciting. 
As far as meals are concerned, we usually cook separately,  but sometimes I make breakfast and occasionally dinner when we don't have them. I have been doing pretty good on staying the same weight and that is something I told myself that I would not get fat on my mission.   Ha ha. 
Our lessons have been going very well, especially when we have members with us.  It is so amazing. I am constantly doing better and better with talking with people and my goal from this week is to talk with every living soul.  I gave a training on it in one of our district meetings and promised if Elders will do it for three days straight, they will teach more lessons than ever before and also find new people that are ready for the gospel. 
The ward mission leader here is always willing to help out, but is also busy too.  He is there when we need him though. I would love to be able to be a ward mission leader when I get home.   
It's also getting cooler here and it seems like summer just flew by which is really nice.   
I actually kind of predicted and was wondering when Grandma and Grandpa where going to get I-pads. 
That is really cool to hear about Justin's first date and I will be excited to see pictures.  Speaking of pictures,  I left my camera in Fort Worth and will get it back tomorrow so I can start sending pictures. I did get my contacts and I can see so much better.  Thank you for getting those and other things that I need. 
I want to make sure and say Happy Birthday to Dad.  I did remember and said happy birthday on the 19th so again,  Happy Birthday.
I would like to end with a very special and spiritual experience. The past week had been pretty rough with finding and teaching.  Last night all of our appointments cancelled on us.  I was frusrated at first but then realized we needed to be somewhere else. After thought and prayer, I thought "where does God need us to be right now?" We then went to an investigators house where we knew we needed to be. He was coming out right as we got there. I shared with him how my mother decided to become a member and I just felt the Holy Ghost speaking through me. I asked him how he felt after I read a scripture in the Doctrine and Covenants, and he said it sounded like Gods words.  We told him he can find out that they really are.   We will be going back this week to teach him again. 
Thank you for raising me in the gospel and I am so grateful for the opportunity to pay it forward out here.
Love Elder Shoemaker

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